Monday, April 18, 2005

2nd Place DECA Quiz Bowl Team! Posted by Hello

Jeff Burrell! 1st Place in Retail Merchandising Management Level! Posted by Hello

Foothill DECA at the State Conference! Posted by Hello

Friday, April 15, 2005

Foothill DECA Excels At State Conference!

Eight students from Foothill competed at the DECA State Career Development Conference held last month. DECA is a national association of marketing students.

Jeff Burrell placed first in Retail Merchandising Management Level role-plays and exams, qualifying him to compete in the International Competition. Josh Bantz, Eric Fracisco, Ben Rice and Jeff Burrell, the Foothill DECA Quiz Bowl Team, placed second in the Quiz Bowl and will also advance to the International Conference. Eric Fracisco, Ben Rice, Morag Forrest and Jessica Narog all placed in the top eight of one or more categories.

Nearly 1,000 high school students attended this year's conference in Costa Mesa and competed in 36 events and categories, ranging from Retail Merchandising to Sports and Entertainment Marketing.

Foothill's team is now in preparation for the 2005 International Career Development Conference being held this year in Anaheim, CA. This event will be held April 27-May 1. Go FHS DECA!!