Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mini Conference Update

Important notes:

  • Students MUST be available for the entire conference. DO NOT ask to leave early.
  • All students must be in professional dress. Guys: slacks, shirt, tie, dress shoes, dress socks (jacket preferred). Girls: slacks or skirt, career blouse with jacket or sweater set. Girls must wear dress shoes and pantyhose, if you are in a skirt.
  • Students must adhere to DECA code of conduct
  • Parking is an issue so allow plenty of time to find a spot and try to carpool, if you can.
  • Be sure to eat lunch before you get to the school; a snack will be provided.
  • Arrive at the student union at Livermore High School not before 12 and not after 12:30, to check in. There is a map available on the Foothill Web site at: Foothill Sports Directions The address is 600 Maple St. Take Stanley Blvd to Livermore. Stanley turns into First Street; take this through downtown. Cross Livermore Avenue in the center of downtown; go another two blocks to Maple. Turn right onto Maple Street: the school is four blocks from First Street on the right.
  • Judges are still needed...
  • Calculators are permitted (but will probably not be necessary).
  • Know what event you are competing in.
  • In preparation for tomorrow’s DECA competition, review the performance indicators for your instructional area/event category (see links below).
    DECA Competitive Events
    The Instructional Areas for tomorrow in each role play category are:
    MMS Business, Management and Entrepreneurship
    MMS Performance Indicators

    BSM Communication and Interpersonal Skills
    BSM Performance Indicators

    RFSM Professional Development
    RFSM Performance Indicators

    RMS Communication and Interpersonal Skills
    RMS Performance Indicators

Remember, give it your very best shot, no matter what happens. Even if this is not important to you, seeing you give your best effort IS important to Mrs. Raaker! Go Foothill DECA!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Passionately Pink For The Cure (TM)!

Dear Teachers,

Did you know it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Did you know it is expected that more than 212,000 women and men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 41,000 people will die from breast cancer in 2006 alone?! This dreaded disease touches millions of lives. Foothill DECA, with the help of our awesome student body & faculty, has an opportunity to make a difference by showing our passion and sharing the promise for the cure.

Foothill DECA has chosen Wednesday, October 18th as our day to go Passionately Pink for the Cure(TM). We are asking everyone to participate by doing one of the following:

* Wear pink on Wednesday, October 18th
* Participate in the "Miracle Minute" on 10/18 (details to follow)
* Come by our table on the quad this week and get a Breast Cancer
Awareness sticker by making a donation of any amount.
* Click below make a donation online

Passionately Pink For The Cure (TM)!

The Komen Foundation is a global leader in the fight against breast cancer. Our contribution will be put directly to work by the Komen Foundation to fund critical research, education, screening and treatment programs in more than 15,000 communities.

Please say you'll go Passionately Pink for the Cure(TM)! Contact Foothill DECA at for more information. Also, be sure to visit the Komen Foundation Web site,, for the latest breast health and breast cancer information.

Thank you!

Michael Garrity & Eric Gabbani
Foothill DECA Vice Presidents & Breast Cancer Awareness Coordinators