Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chapter Awards Program

Foothill DECA!

I am thrilled that we have embraced the challenge of completing the scrapbook (Chapter Awards Program) that will illustrate all that we have accomplished this year.

Click here for the narrative that will help you write up the event that you have been assigned to. Be sure you include ALL information including the PEE (plan, execute, evaluate) and the category it fulfills (Community Service, Social Intelligence, etc.)

Remember, your contribution is NOT optional and will be worth points. Thanks for your had work!

Your fearless leader!
Mrs. Raaker

Occupational Outlook Handbook

To complete your career profile, connect to the Occupational Outlook Handbook to conduct your online research.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Creating A Business Card - Business Ownership Students

Creating A Business Card

During this lesson you will create a business card for your new company. You will use your logo and tagline (created in the previous lesson) and include your company name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number and fax number, as well as your name, title and contact information. You are encouraged to apply design concepts and color theory to your business card.

Read the article below and take some brief notes. Title (and #) this assignment and retain it in your class binder for a future notebook check.

Smart Ways To Use Your Business Card


1) First you will sketch a design of the idea for your business card and answer the questions, using the format below. You will incorporate your company logo (created in a previous lesson) into your card design

Planning Tool for Business Card

By completing this worksheet, you will begin to make important decisions about how you want your card to look. Think about the image you wish to convey about your company and who (audience) you will be giving your business cards to, to determine what colors/fonts/graphics would be appropriate for them.

2) Next you will want to seek feedback about your business card.

3) Once you have your plan in place, create your business cards based on your design. You can use the business card template file below or set up your own file in your word processor or paint program. Create one complete card that includes your logo, tagline, company name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number and fax number, as well as your name, title and contact information. Be sure to proofread your card and then cut and paste it 10 times into the template. Your cards are now ready to print!

Business Card Template- MS Word

4) Turn in one sheet of your cards for a grade (with a rubric attached).

Monday, February 11, 2008

Business Ownership Students - Creating A Company Logo

Creating a well-designed logo is one of the best ways a small business can enhance its image. A good logo adds a professional look to letterhead, business cards and marketing materials. It's important for your logo to be unique and appropriate to your business.

Click here to access the powerpoint presentation on "Creating A Logo" used in class.
Click here to access the handout provided on creating your company logo and tagline.
Click here to access the logo & tagline planning worksheet.
After completing your planning worksheet, continue on to create your final digital logo design. Submit the finished product with this logo grading rubric.

If you have any questions, see your instructor.

Using Graphics in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is not the best software to use for creating graphic design but because it is what we have access to, we will be exploring the tools available to use in creating your logo. You are certainly welcome to create your logo in another program (outside of class) but be sure to save it in a format that can be used with Word, since you will be working on your business plan elements in the classroom.

Read & take some brief notes on the following article:

Using Graphics In Word 2003
Using Graphics In Word 2000

After taking some notes on the above article and/or your teacher’s class presentation, you should be able to complete the tasks outlined below. Go to a computer and begin this assessment activity. Call your teacher over to check your work (for credit), when you feel you are ready to demonstrate these skills.

· Insert a text box
· Insert an auto shape
· Change the color and style of the line
· Change the color of the fill
· Add another auto shape
· Demonstrate layering by showing how to move one to the front.
· Add text to one of your auto shapes
· Group the two shapes together as one

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Business Ownership Students - Creating Your Company Description

Creating Your Company Description

What is the Company Description Section of a Business Plan?

The company description section of a business plan provides the reader with a brief overview of the business including the business name and other relevant information about the business. The company description section is usually placed near the beginning of the business plan to establish a framework for the reader.

What’s Included in the Company Description?
The Company Description section of a business plan usually includes the following components:
1. The company name
2. A general summary of the business
3. A declaration of a business form of ownership. Will the business be operated as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation?
a. Resource: Selecting The Legal Structure For You Business
4. An industry classification for the business. What NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code applies to your business? Refer to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Web site (http://www.naics.com/search.htm) for assistance in answering this question.
5. The location of the business. In other words, where will the day-to-day operations of the business take place?
6. The year the business was formed
7. The primary function of the business. What are the main products or services provided by the business?
8. How many employees, if any, will be working for the company? What will their job titles be?
9. Who (if anyone) will be providing advice on legal, insurance, and accounting issues? These people are commonly referred to as “business advisors.”

Click here for a sample company description

Business Ownership Students - Creating Your Company Description

Creating Your Company Description

What is the Company Description Section of a Business Plan?

The company description section of a business plan provides the reader with a brief overview of the business including the business name and other relevant information about the business. The company description section is usually placed near the beginning of the business plan to establish a framework for the reader.

What’s Included in the Company Description?
The Company Description section of a business plan usually includes the following components:
1. The company name
2. A general summary of the business
3. A declaration of a business form of ownership. Will the business be operated as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation?
a. Resource: Selecting The Legal Structure For You Business
4. An industry classification for the business. What NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code applies to your business? Refer to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Web site (http://www.naics.com/search.htm) for assistance in answering this question.
5. The location of the business. In other words, where will the day-to-day operations of the business take place?
6. The year the business was formed
7. The primary function of the business. What are the main products or services provided by the business?
8. How many employees, if any, will be working for the company? What will their job titles be?
9. Who (if anyone) will be providing advice on legal, insurance, and accounting issues? These people are commonly referred to as “business advisors.”

Sample Company Description

I. Company Name
The legal business name is “Decker’s Digital Desktop.”
II. Business Summary
Decker’s Digital Desktop is a desktop publishing business established to provide local area businesses with desktop publishing services.
III. Form of Ownership
Decker’s Digital Desktop will operate as a sole proprietorship. The proprietor of the business is Shaun Decker, the owner.
IV. Industry Classifi cation
According to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), the industry
classification for a desktop publishing business is “Document Preparation Service.” The NAICS code number is 561410.
V. Location
Decker’s Digital Desktop will operate from the owner’s home residing at 123 Prescott
Avenue in Pleasant Landing, NY.
VI. Year Established
Decker’s Digital Desktop was established in 2006.
VII. Primary Function
The primary function of Decker’s Digital Desktop will be to provide area businesses with desktop publishing services in the form of both print and electronic documents.
VIII. Employees
Shaun Decker, the owner, will be the only employee of Decker’s Digital Desktop.
IX. Business Advisors
Jeff and Caroline Decker, the owner’s parents, will serve as business advisors to Decker’s Digital Desktop.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Making A Commercial Project

You have been "hired" to create a commercial for a potential client! Utilize your creativity and all the knowledge you have acquired about broadcast media to create a promotional masterpiece! Below you will find some documents you will need to complete this project. Good luck!

Making A Commercial Project Expectations
This cover sheet explains what is required for this project and how many points everything is worth. It must be submitted with your completed project.

Making A Commercial Worksheet
This worksheet establishes the basic plan to complete this project including particulars about your client, target market, marketing objectives, advertising team and timeline. This is the first step in completing this project.

Commercial Storyboard Form
Commercial Script Copy Form
These two forms will need to be word processed and included in your completed project.

Commercial Checklist
This checklist will help you to evaluate your commercial to be sure it is top quality and meets your marketing objectives.

You can also click here to access the powerpoint presentation on "Broadcast Media" used in class.