Saturday, January 07, 2006

Superbowl Ad News

Are you ready to explore the world of promotion?! Let's have some fun looking at Super Bowl Advertising!

At no time of year is there more focus on advertising than when the Super Bowl rolls around. ABC is said to be selling 30-second spots for between $2.5 million and $2.6 million for the 2006 Super Bowl, a new record. Advertisers still appear to be willing to pay top dollar during the Super Bowl since a gigantic audience is virtually guaranteed, regardless of which teams are playing. More than 86 million people watched the Super Bowl last year in the U.S., according to Nielsen Media Research. Even when the Super Bowl is over, the Web provides video, stills photographs and lots of analysis from experts – and viewers, too.

What better place to study the concept of promotional mix, than by looking at the Superbowl?

Assignment details:
1. Conduct research on the promotional methods used in the previous year’s Super Bowl marketing campaigns. How well did advertisers fair? See the 2005 SuperBowl Marketing Scorecard. Compare and contrast it to this year's Super Bowl's promotional efforts?
2. Review advertising techniques & ways to measure their effectiveness.
3. Create a promotional mix for the Superbowl to include at least two examples of each of the four types of promotion (Advertising, Personal Selling, Promotion & Publicity)

Students will make an oral presentation to the class utilizing Power Point to include:

  • Brief history of Superbowl advertising
  • A promotional mix related to the Superbowl (as described above)
  • Best & Worst Ad (will be determined after the event) and why; relate back to the concepts of effective advertising
  • Bibliography (citing at least 2 sources)

Presentations should be:

  • Informative
  • Well-organized
  • Creative
  • Professional
  • Minimally 6 slides
  • Include ALL of the above components

Students should come in professional dress on the scheduled day to present. If you have any questions as to what is deemed as appropriate attire, please see your teacher. Students are expected to work cooperatively & efficiently, in teams of no more than four. Use class time wisely. Time management, productivity and teamwork will be factored in to the final grade.

The following articles may be helpful to you, as you begin:
You will find these websites to be a great resource to you when you begin your SuperBowl Project: