Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Creating A Logo - Part One

The Importance of Color

As we begin to develop ideas for our businesses, one of the first things we will do is create a company logo. A logo (or signature) is the distinctive identification symbol for a business. A well-designed logo gets instant recognition for the business. No business plan or marketing materials are complete without it.

There are many considerations to be made when creating your company logo, but the first thing we will explore is the use of color and its impact in terms of our marketing efforts.

Step 1:
Click on the link below to see the Color Wheel. You may find it helpful to print a copy for your binder.
Color Wheel & Simple Color Theory

Step 2:
Read the following articles
and take some brief notes. These notes will be checked on our first Semester 2 Binder check. Please title the notes accordingly and be sure to number them, as well.

Assignment #2
Business & Marketing - Who Owns The Hue?

Assignment #3
Why Color Matters

Assignment #4
Color Psychology & Marketing

Step 3:
Assess your understanding of the color theory we have explored by taking a practice quiz. The answers to the questions can be found in the video we watched in class entitled “Color In Everyday Life” or by reviewing the notes you took in Step 2. This will also be checked in your binder check. Please title it Assignment #5 Practice Quiz - "Color In Everyday Life".

Monday, January 29, 2007

Extra Credit Options

All extra credit work must be submitted at the end of grading period with an up-to-date log (see your teacher to get a form). All work must be submitted in writing and is subject to teacher approval. Students are eligible to turn in up to 350 pts (max. 10%) per grading period. Don't miss out!

Here are some extra credit work options that are available to you:

1. Visit the DECA dimensions publication online at or see additional archived articles at:
Read an article and write a summary of what you learned (including some practical way you could apply this to your own life). These can be emailed to me at - 25 pts a piece
2. Visit the textbook student center and do the chapter "interactive tutor" activities for any of the chapters that we have covered in class. After completing the activity you will have to print out (ctrl + p) the finished screen and turn it in (showing an 80% or better on the material). - 20 pts each one
Marketing Essentials (Marketing textbook)
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management (Economics of Business Ownership textbook)
3. Search out a website related to the unit we are studying in class, or any site relevant to Business, Marketing or DECA. Write a brief summary (minimum ½ page) of what you learned from your visit. Include the web address of the site you visited. - 25 pts a piece
4. Review and summarize a current newspaper article that deals with a Business, Marketing or DECA related topic. Your summary should be 1-2 paragraphs (minimum ½ page), and you must attach the article (or copy of it) with your work. - 25 pts a piece
5. Choose a half hour program on television or radio that is related to Business, Marketing or DECA. Write a 1-2 paragraph (minimum ½ page) summary of what you learned. Be sure to include the name of the show, when it is on and what channel it appeared. - 25 pts a piece
6. Visit the DECA website at Click on “High School”, select “Competitive Events” and then click on the “DECA Guide”. Select an area that you might like to compete in; print the guidelines for this event. Next, visit the DECA Connection area at the Glencoe McGraw-Hill website at Take a practice (10 question) test available by clicking on the event category of your choice. After you check your answers, print it out to turn in. - 25 pts a piece

Monday, January 08, 2007

Success Traits Of An Entrepreneur

Take this quiz: Entrepreneur’s Personality Quiz . Once you have completed the short quiz, hit “check your score” and then hit CTRL + “P” on the keyboard to print your results.

Read this article and jot down some brief notes for future use:
What Traits & Characteristics Make An Entrepreneur Successful?

Take the findings from these activities, along with this handout & rubric, to create a class bulletin board on the “Success Traits of An Entrepreneur”.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Join Our Apprentice Fantasy Game Team!

Join in on the fun! Sign up to be on the FHS DECA Yahoo Apprentice Fantasy Game Team. First, sign up yourself and then click on "join a group" and then "join a private group". Our ID is 559 and the password is falcon. Click here to join Check back weekly to answer questions and see what your score is. It's a fun, friendly competition. Let's see whose analytical skills are the strongest! In the words of Donald, "It's not personal, it's business!" Hone in on your critical thinking ability!

Check out the Apprentice Website to "Meet The Candidates" and complete your first Apprentice assignment.