Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Creating An Action Plan For The Fashion Show!

You are about to embark on a great challenge... planning and executing your very own fashion show! In order to be successful, though, you must have a plan! One of my favorite quotes is "Fail to plan, plan to fail!"

These next few exercises will help you begin to create your department's action plan for the fashion show. You will likely make revisions to this plan as we progress, but it will give you and your team a great place to start!

Preliminary Planning Steps

Step #1

Take notes on your teacher's presentation entitled "Creating An Action Plan". The power point presentation is linked for your reference.

Step #2
Create a binder for your department. Create a cover sheet & a word processed table of contents (using minimally 18 pt. font) to include the following:

Step # 3

  • Type up your team roster (identifying your team leader)
  • Create a preliminary action plan (using the template) of things you would like to accomplish as a team. Note: This will be reviewed and revised, as needed, based on the overall consensus from all applicable parties.