Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Creating A Logo - Part 1 (Business Ownership Students)

Creating A Logo – Part 1
Use of Color in Graphic Design

As we begin to develop ideas for our businesses, one of the first things we will do is create a company logo. A logo (or signature) is the distinctive identification symbol for a business. A well-designed logo gets instant recognition for the business. No business plan or marketing materials are complete without it.

There are many considerations to be made when creating your company logo, but the first thing we will explore is the use of color and its impact in terms of our marketing efforts.

Step 1: Watch the video “Color In Everyday Life” & take notes.
These notes will be added to your assignment log and checked on the next notebook check.
Step 2:
Click on the link below to see the Color Wheel. You may find it helpful to print a copy for your binder.
Color Wheel & Simple Color Theory

Step 3:
Read the following articles and take some brief notes. These notes will be added to your assignment log and checked on the next notebook check.

Business & Marketing - Who Owns The Hue?
Why Color Matters
Color Psychology & Marketing