Thursday, January 31, 2008

Marketing Students-Super Bowl Commercial Journal

Watch at least 1/2 hour of the Super Bowl and complete the Super Bowl Commercial Journal. Access this info on Advertising Strategies to help you identify key strategies used in the commercials.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Business Ownership Students- Selecting A Name For Your Business

Read this article : “How To Create A Great Business Name” Retain notes for future notebook check.

Brainstorm several names. Research the availability of each name using the United States Patent and Trademark Office Web site.

Discuss with friends and family and gather feedback on the name(s) you are considering.
Visit the Alameda County Clerk Recorder’s Fictitious Business Name Search Online & research to see if the name you have chosen is available.

You will likely want to establish some form of web presence. Check online to see if the domain name you want is available. You can use AT & T Yahoo! Domains.

Now that you've decided upon a name, do you need to file a DBA? If you're structuring your company as a sole proprietorship or a partnership, a dba ("doing business as") or fictitious business name allows you to legally do business under your new business name (rather than your own name). You may be required by the county, city or state to register your fictitious name.

Click here to complete a DBA form for Alameda County. You only need to print page 5 (instructions for filing, for your reference) and page 1 (as pages 2-4 are merely copies for various parties, if you were to actually file this form.) Title and number it accordingly and retain this for a future notebook check.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Flight Info - State DECA Conference

Here is the flight info for the State Conference. Book immediately to ensure your spot & fare (as quoted).

Flight Information

Thursday, January 17, 2008

CAMB DECA Scholarship

DECA Members,

Take advantage of the California Association of Mortgage Brokers Scholarship. Eight $1000 scholarships & three $5000 scholarships will be awarded at the State DECA Career Development Conference in March. Apply today! The deadline is February 18th. Be sure you don't wait to the last minute and give your advisor advance notice for your letter of recommendation.

Click here to download the application.

Good luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

State DECA Conference Student Packet

Congratulations Foothill DECA! We had a great Nor Cal Conference (pictures will follow). Now we need to press on in preparation for the State Conference in March! Details are provided in the student packet linked below. Flight information will follow. Act quickly to ensure your spot! All registration forms and money will be due Thursday 1/31. If you need any additional details, see your teacher.

Foothill State DECA Conference Student Packet

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

DECA Prep Mini - Unit: Product Service Management

DECA Prep Mini Unit Unit 10
Instructional Area: Product Service Management
Textbook Reference: Pages 630-693
This unit is a general introduction to product planning and management concepts. In Marketing Essentials chapters 30, 31 & 32, you learn about product planning, product development, and the product mix. You also learn about branding, packaging, warranties, and other extended product features.

Product planning can make sure that a business sells products that customers really want, and that the products have extended features that make them even more attractive.

Key Terms: product planning, product mix, product line, product item, product width, product depth, product modification, product life cycle, positioning, brand, trademark, national brands, private brands, generic brands, package, label, warranty, disclaimer, credit

Assessment Activity:
In response to the development of a market for ecologically sound products, manufacturers are designing products that are safe for the environment, or they are adapting current products to fit the green market.

Choose a company that interests you, describe its current product line, and suggest ways one or several products can be modified to be environmentally friendly. Finally, explain how the product modifications you are suggesting would affect the companys’s marketing strategies.

Extension Activity (optional; can be submitted for extra credit):

All found at

Chapter 30 Practice QuizzesE-Flash cardsInteractive Tutor

Chapter 31 Practice QuizzesE-Flash cardsInteractive Tutor

Chapter 32 Practice QuizzesE-Flash cardsInteractive Tutor

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

DECA Prep Mini Unit - Distribution

DECA Prep Mini Unit Unit 7
Instructional Area:
Textbook Reference: Pages 440-521

Overview: This unit covers distribution. In Marketing Essentials chapters 21-24, we learn about channels of distribution, physical distribution, purchasing, stock handling, and inventory control.

Imagine your busniess manufactures the best cell phone on the planet, but if the phone never makes its way to a store, kiosk, or even just a website, not many people will be buying it. Distribution is the key to making sure that a product is where people want it, when people want it.

Key Terms: channel of distribution, intermediaries, wholesalers, retailers, etailing, direct distribution, indirect distribution, exclusive distribution, integrated distribution, selective distribution, intensive distribution, physical distribution, transportation, storage, wholesale/retail buyers, inventory, inventory management, JIT (just-in-time inventory system), SKU (stockkeeping unit)
Key Concepts:

Assessment Activity: Using the scenario below, prepare an outline that you would use if you were going to be training a new assistant manager on how businesses use channels of distribution.

Case study scenario: You are the manager of an independent toy store. The store carries high quality, fairly expensive toys for all ages. The store is best known for its selection of dolls,which range from sturdy dolls for toddlers to fragile collectibles. You recently hired an assistant manager, whom you are training. The topic for today’s trainin is channels of distribution. On a separate piece of paper, explain what channels of distribution are and the purposes they achieve. Then, explain the difference between direct channels of distribution and indirect channels of distribution. Complete your training by naming the members of each type of channel of distribution.

Extension Activities (optional; can be submitted for extra credit):

All found at

Chapter 21
Practice Quizzes
E-Flash cards
Interactive Tutor

Chapter 22
Practice Quizzes
E-Flash cards
Interactive Tutor

Chapter 23
Practice Quizzes
E-Flash cards
Interactive Tutor

Chapter 24
Practice Quizzes
E-Flash cards
Interactive Tutor

Saturday, January 05, 2008

DECA Prep Mini Unit - Promotion

Unit 6
Instructional Area:
Textbook Reference: Pages 358-439
Overview: This unit is about promotion and promotional strategies. Businesses spend a lot of time and money on promotion because it is a time-tested way to get consumers interested in a product or service. Many businesses make their profits by providing the time, the place, or the substance of promotion, from ad agencies to TV stations to billboard companies.

Key Terms: promotion, product promotion, institutional promotion, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, press release, promotional mix, promotional tie-in, product placement, loyalty marketing programs, point-of-purchase displays, visual merchandising, artistic elements (to include line, shape, direction, texture, proportion, motion and lighting), complementary colors, triadic color scheme, media, print media, broadcast media, specialty media, media measurement terms (to include audience, impression, frequency, CPM), headline, copy, illustration, clip art, signature, slogan, ad layout, advertising proof

Key Concepts: promotional mix, product placement, advertising campaign

Goals of promotional activities are summarized by the phrase AIDA
Attract Attention
Build Interest and Desire
Ask for Action

Steps to plan an integrated advertising campaign
1. Identify target audience
2. Determine objectives
3. Establish the budget
4. Develop the message
5. Select the media
Evaluate the campaign

Assessment Activity:
1. Come up with an acronym/rhyme to help you to remember the steps to plan an integrated advertising campaign.
2. Illustrate your understanding of the concept of promotional mix by creating a promotional plan to promote a Saturday festival (pet adoption in the park) put on by a local non-profit pet and rescue organization. Keeping in mind the limited resources available to non-profits, how can they promote this event without spending a lot of money?

Extension Activities (optional; can be submitted for extra credit):

All found at

Unit 6
Practice Quizzes, Interactive Tutor, E-flash cards – Chapters 17-20

DECA Prep Mini Unit - Selling

DECA Prep Mini Unit 5
Instructional Area: Selling
Textbook Reference: Pages 256-356

Key Terms: personal selling, rationale motive, emotional motive, product feature, customer benefit, prospect, referral, endless chain method, objection analysis sheet, CRM, COD, UPC, POS, FOB, PO
Key Concepts: feature-benefit selling, steps of the sale, methods of approach, methods for determining needs, techniques for an effective product presentation, five buying decisions on which common objections are based, four-step process for handling objections, methods for handling objections, rules and methods for closing the sale, rules for effective suggestion selling, strategies for maintaining and building clientele

Assessment Activity:
Come up with an acronym/rhyme to help you to remember the seven steps of the sale.

Approach the customer
Determining needs
Presenting the product
Overcoming objections
Closing the sale
Suggestion selling
Relationship building

Create a feature/benefit chart (page 262), as well as an objection analysis sheet (page 302) for a product of your choice.

Extension Activities (optional; can be submitted for extra credit):

All found at

Unit 5 Selling
Practice Quizzes, Interactive Tutor, E-flash cards – Chapters 12-16

DECA Prep Mini Unit - Economics

DECA Prep Mini Unit
Units 2 & 3
Instructional Area:

Textbook Reference: Pages 48-147

Key Terms: economy, resources, factors of production, infrastructure, entrepreneurship, scarcity, traditional economy, market economy, command economy, capital, GDP, GNP, inflation, business cycle, expansion, recession, depression, recovery, import, export, balance of trade, trade barrier, competition, price competition, non-price competition, monopoly, nonprofit, business risk, profit, supply, demand

Key Concepts: concept of scarcity, factors of production, characteristics of a free enterprise system, distinguish between price and non-price competition, explain the theory of supply and demand

Assessment Activity:
Complete the Review Facts & Ideas questions 21-25 on page 69, questions 11-16 on page 119 and questions 16 & 20 on page 143.

Extension Activity (optional; can be submitted for extra credit):

All found at

Chapter 3 E-Flash Cards
Interactive Tutor: Concentration Game
Practice Quiz

Chapter 4 E-Flash Cards
Interactive Tutor: Crossword Puzzle
Practice Quiz

Chapter 5 E-Flash Cards
Interactive Tutor: Concentration Game
Practice Quiz

Chapter 6 E-Flash Cards
Interactive Tutor: Crossword Puzzle
Practice Quiz

DECA Prep Mini Unit -Marketing

DECA Prep Mini Unit
Unit 1
Instructional Area: Marketing
Textbook Reference: Pages 1-47
This unit is a general introduction to marketing and some of its most basic concepts. In Marketing Essentials chapters 1 & 2, you learned about the value added by marketing, customer relationship management, and the difference between consumer and industrial markets.

Marketing is found in every type of business enterprise. It is an important, non-stop process involving research, analysis, and decision making. It can make the difference between success and failure. Many job opportunities are available in this broad field.

Key Terms: marketing, goods, services, marketing concept, utility, market, consumer market, industrial market, market share, target market, customer profile, marketing mix, SWOT analysis, market segmentation, demographics, geopgraphics, pyschographics, disposable income, discretionary income, mass marketing, marketing strategy

Key Concepts: functions of marketing, marketing concept, benefits of marketing, economic concept of utility, components of the marketing mix, SWOT analysis, basic elements of a marketing plan, market segmentation

Assessment Activity:
Complete the Review Facts & Ideas questions 11-19 on page 21 and 8-15 on page 43.

Extension Activities(optional; can be submitted for extra credit):

All found at

Chapter 1 E-Flash Cards
Interactive Tutor: Concentration Game
Practice Quiz

Chapter 2 E-Flash Cards
Interactive Tutor: Crossword Puzzle

Connecting To Careers

Connecting to Careers

In the beginning of the year, we did some work with You took an interest profile to help you discover what your interests are, and how they relate to the world of work. This helps you decide what kinds of occupations and jobs you might want to explore based on your personal preferences. Recall back to your areas of interest and determine which of the following industry clusters is most closely associated with your findings.

DECA Career Clusters
· Business, Administration and Management
· Marketing, Sales and Service
· Finance
· Hospitality and Tourism
· Entrepreneurship

The career cluster that I have selected is:

The next step is to see how your career cluster choice parallels the DECA competitive event categories. Select one that suits you based on the chart found at this web address → You may wish to print this chart for future reference.

Note: Unless you are competing in a written project, it is recommended that you select either a Individual Series Event or a Management Team Decision Making Event for the purpose of this activity.

The DECA competitive event category I have chosen to explore is:

Next, you will visit the DECA competitive event listing on the DECA website found at →

Click on the event category you have selected and do the following:
· Print the event guidelines.
· Print a sample event (role play). You will then use this as a practice and your teacher (or other judge) will use the evaluation form to assess you.
· Review the performance indicators and complete the worksheet on the next page. Note: It is not necessary to print these pages, but if you are competing and wish to use them to study, you may.
· Take a practice exam (found on many of the desktops in the classroom) and print your results.
· Read the article “Get An Edge in Competitive Events” and use it to complete the worksheet on the next page. Article found at →
Using your event’s performance indicators complete this section of the worksheet.
Identify at least 5 different performance indicators in a variety of instructional areas.

Event Category: _________________________________________________________

Instructional area: _______________________________________________________ Performance element: ____________________________________________________
Performance indicator: ___________________________________________________

Instructional area: _______________________________________________________ Performance element: ____________________________________________________
Performance indicator: ___________________________________________________

Instructional area: _______________________________________________________ Performance element: ____________________________________________________
Performance indicator: ___________________________________________________

Instructional area: _______________________________________________________ Performance element: ____________________________________________________
Performance indicator: ___________________________________________________

Instructional area: _______________________________________________________ Performance element: ____________________________________________________
Performance indicator: ___________________________________________________

In reference to the article “Get An Edge in Competitive Events”, answer these questions.

1. What are two things you can do before the conference to help you prepare for competition?
2. When you are competing, what are two things you should do before the event?
3. While you are competing, what three things should you remember?